Save Citizens, not Banks!
Forced on by means of a »de facto coup d’état«, the medically absurd »Corona crisis« – about which people learn by and by that its lethality is smaller than the one of the common influenza and that it is actually only dangerous for elderly people and those with pre-existing diseases – leads first of all to a tremendous demise of restaurants and pubs (i.e. the last remaining opportunities for communication) as well as of small and middle-class enterprises. To know this, you do not need to wait for those »wise experts for economic affairs« whose oracular utterances now appear everywhere in our »fighting-for-truth« press assuring that matters will get better again, some time, for sure ! Millions of enterprises already had to give notice of short-time work, which is ruinous already after a few months, or had to close down on state order as all retail shops except grocery stores and drugstores. Who does not know some hairdresser, innkeeper or retailer now on the verge of ruin or already bankrupt because they could not put aside any savings ? And in view of this gigantic mass pauperisation, with millions of people economically ruined, you are put off with threats and cynical statements day by day that might be summed up as follows: Stay at home, shut up, be a good guy and denounce others for all you are worth.
Don’t let them take you for a fool: Those who need the money to survive shall not get it or only too late. They are to be lured into a debt trap (even loans at 0% interest have to be paid back some time !), and all this is nonetheless praised by its very inventors bombastically and falsely as »government support«. When we look at the worldwide strangulation of freedom of movement by the threat of ruinous punishments (up to 1000 Euro for more than two persons meeting in public, and up to 25 000 Euro for larger meetings) or by police clubs like in India or Spain, what a cynicism it is having Merkel blathering about »embassies not being travel agencies« ? How perfidious is it to make necessary goods artificially scarce, to create a panic with the help of the fake news media and then mock at hoarders or wag the admonitory finger against them in that same media ? Workers and employees are held on starvation rations while the accompanying cynicism reads »short-time work is as popular as it never was before«. And at the same time, the fate of those poor homeless people, who certainly are to be pitied, is dwelled on excessively amid floods of crocodile tears – but why then does the government actively produce lots and lots more of them ? Big enterprises are cancelling the rents for their branch establishments – and people who are not able to pay their rent anymore because of unemployment or short-time work will also drag, headlong with them, small real estate owners into the abyss, who had worked hard all their lifetime for this property. And all this is to the advantage of future modern big landowners who will grab those real estates for peanuts and bleed their serfs of forcibly indebted workers and former owners of small enterprises. But, as a beaten dog, don’t forget until the next dismissal: be a good guy, stay at home, wash your hands regularly and while doing so, sing ›Happy birthday‹ twice, as it is shown threateningly on the wall bills now ! The sole demand on those responsible can therefore only be:
Save Citizens, not Banks !
Tax money not for false refugees (the only ones that are still allowed to cross borders by now; tourists are left in the lurch with cynical remarks and even left to book further flights in good faith !), but tax money to the benefit of those who paid them, for the own people !
And another thing: Now, as people realize by and by that the »new type« of the sniffles is even less fatal than the common influenza (the Chinese actually could not know that when the infectous disease was beginning to spread, and therefore their harsh restrictions of leaving one’s house had been justified but were also lifted again as soon as possible), even the omnipresent TV-virologist emphasizes what we had stressed from the very start: The necessity of applying the already developed vaccines as quickly as possible for mass vaccination. (But as long as the vaccine is not yet available in large amounts, the »herd immunity«, well-tried for many decades, should not be impeded. Sweden and Byelorussia are the last states that practise this in an exemplary manner, obviously unimpressed by WHO-extortions, apologies, »-recommendations«). Nevertheless the Robert-Koch-Institute »advises« pathologists all at once to NOT perform autopsies anymore, as the aerosols could be so very infectious – what a bullshit; tuberculosis, for instance, has never been a problem for pathologists ! And don’t forget: In the case of AIDS, that is of a virus fatal to all those infected (!) sooner or later, not even the usual measures of epidemic control had been launched, although during the first years the virus could have been eradicated very easily with few restrictions solely for the few pitiable victims and without any consequences for the rest of the population !
As background information, we are referring to a historical predecessor of the present global measures of suppression. The parallels and the mechanisms of enforcing them are indeed astounding:
Then the Reichstag fire, today Corona
»The Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. Therefore restrictions of individual freedom, of the freedom of expression including the freedom of the press, the freedom of association and assembly, interferences with the privacy of correspondence, posts, telegraph and telephone communication, orders of house searches and seizures as well as restrictions on property are permissible also beyond the legal limitations defined in these Articles.«
This is the wording of article one of the »Decree for the Protection of People and State« issued on February 28th 1933 by the President of the German Reich, Hindenburg, not even 12 hours after the Nazis had set fire to the Reichstag (very old as he was, Hindenburg certainly did not draft it in the night of the fire). It wiped out all essential basic rights of the Weimar Constitution. This was the beginning of the Nazi dictatorship whose establishment only needed a self-made occasion (the firebug van der Lubbe as a lone perpetrator was, at that time as well as today, for the dumb people believing in the media): The point was the extinction of the KPD.
Today the pretext for the worldwide abrogation of civil and democratic basic rights is – »until further notice«, right ? – Corona. And the plans also for this were already in the drawer. Under the title »Event 201 – a Call for Action«, in seven points all the measures were listed which we as well as three quarters of mankind have to face and suffer from today: from the closure of frontiers (now suddenly it works, as it does not concern false refugees !), the worldwide strangulation of civil transport (air and shipping traffic), the extinction of the middle class and the redistribution of property to the benefit of big banks and industrial monopolists to the worldwide orchestration and synchronization of propaganda and the fight against anything the wirepullers call »fake and false information«, that is: truly enlightening information. The wirepullers: This programme was agreed upon on October 19th 2019 in a New York luxury hotel against a »worldwide pandemic« which was not yet in sight then, but would come up as certainly as the next yearly influenza wave (and it did, as we now know). Present at this meeting were, among others, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (which nowadays functions on a worldwide scale as an »advisor«, i.e. transmitter of orders and cues to governments, also to the German one) as well as for example Avril Haines, the former CIA Vice Director under Obama the Good. Among others, the Facebook founders and the »Open Philanthropy Project« which is closely connected to Soros financed the meeting. So this was a meeting of the US-dominated mega capital whose aim is the worldwide abrogation of the basic rights (and last but not least to prevent the re-election of Trump). A worldwide Gleichschaltung as comprehensive as Hitler and his companions could only dream of. With this, everything shall become possible: from the worldwide final pauperisation (for which little Greta was just the front girl) to the war of aggression against Russia (for which the preparations are already completed).
This document can (still) be found on the Internet, see: »Event 201«. (You can find a detailed analysis published in our periodical Ketzerbriefe 221 in German.)
Conspiracy theory ? – Conspiracy practice !
At this point at the latest, the fundamental question arises: How does the propaganda to the advantage of those few beneficiaries – for instance heirs of very big fortunes, big capital owners and their corona of well-paid loudspeakers, informers and thugs – get into the brains of those who will just have disadvantages from it and therefore have every reason to find out its purpose ? To have figured this out is the merit of university psychology in the person of Leon Festinger, who has also given a name to these findings in the fifties: cognitive dissonance reduction (don’t be afraid of foreign words, they mark the knowledge of those in power, and are worth to become known and understood !). This technical term has, to put it shortly, the following meaning: If two perceptions (»cognitions«) that are in sharp contrast to each other (»dissonance«) are clashing in one brain, then that one will be removed (»reduction«) that can be more easily removed. Let’s take for example Corona, as a model for any subject relevant for those in power: On one side there is the perception (A): »What’s that supposed to mean now, after all, it’s nothing else than a common influenza from which, as we know, each year much more people have died, why then are we facing now more and more strangling restrictions and harassments threatening people’s economic existence, which have indeed never been necessary for influenza ? That’s sheer panicmongering, and for this reason we are no more allowed to leave our homes and are to go bankrupt ? That certainly is a dirty trick !« In contrast to that there is the perception (B), which resounds in unison throughout the media, saying that the »new type« of Corona virus is so horrribly dangerous, therefore immense measures and restrictions are urgently necessary – of course only for the »protection of human lives«, etc. They wouldn't make that all up ... They would never do that ...
I perceive (A) as a single, weak and more or less isolated individual whilst (B) is spread with the vigour of power and the suggestive impact of massive threat. Indeed, receiving penalties in the four-digit or five-digit range or being beaten up in broad daylight are no trifles, and this frightens people. Therefore, the individual’s own perception (A) is first averted, then eliminated, and consequently many »advantages« come to their mind (which they are served with abundantly by the fake news press): You will have time for the dear kids, you will eventually find the time to clear the loft and the balcony of junk, and so on and so forth ... The cognitive dissonance reduction does not only explain otherwise mysterious phenomena such as the idiotic cheerfulness of incurable cancer patients or of long-term unemployed people but also the phenomenon of the obedient subject who has successfully made himself believe something: in former days the Virgin Birth, today the alleged virulence of Corona with the consequent worldwide abrogation of elementary basic rights. These beliefs – be they religious or secular – are uniformly channelled by the cognitive dissonance reduction, in order to avoid that everybody make up their own pretext for subjugation and all those pretexts will be contradictory in the end. This is how power rules.
You see: it is worthwhile to see through your tormentors. This also was the only way by which a Bruno Bettelheim was able to survive the concentration camp, i.e. by understanding the motifs and strategies of his torturers; he survived scarcely, but he did. And this is the purpose of our magazine Ketzerbriefe (Heretics’ Letters). Its readers simply know more and are thus less helpless.
Now there is time to read, it’s better than staring fearfully and panic-stricken at the propaganda made of half-truths and suggestions. On this occasion we recommend, for instance, Ketzerbriefe No. 215 featuring the article Der Glaube [»The Faith«] by Fritz Erik Hoevels or our edition on the Corona topic, No. 221.
Freedom of speech means to say to a man what he does not want to hear. – Meinungsfreiheit bedeutet, jemandem etwas sagen zu können, was er nicht hören will. George Orwell