Alliance against Conformity
Alliance against Conformity
Birth Control – Reduction of Working Hours – Equality Worldwide
July 2021

Six words must be restored: »enormous numbers of deaths and illness«

For we »owe« the whole corona regime to the deletion of these words, at least »legally«. After long and inconspicuous preparations behind the scenes, Bill Gates, who, together with some other US billionaires, has the WHO in his grip (as a matter of fact, it is not the nations of the world but these billionaires who are financing 80% of the WHO budget with huge sums, which they otherwise would have to pay as ordinary taxes – did you know that?!), took care that this inflation of the term »epidemic« was sanctioned on his »Event 201« on October 18th 2019, and since then we have the Corona dictatorship. Of course, he did not act as an individual who wanted to make some extra profits at the expense of the rest of mankind – this would be impossible, the idea childish – but as a representative of the US megacapital (of the »four hundred families«) which, supported by an invincible military machinery, holds the largest part of the world firmly in its clutches, and with an interruption of only four years, also the US government. (This is also the reason, for instance, why the US tax laws are the only ones in the world that for centuries already allow the owners of the country’s megacapital, and only them, to decide for themselves almost unrestrictedly what their tax money is used for.) For this ruling class, the achievements of the – substantially European – workers’ movement (vacations, car, kitchen appliances, proper medical care and therefore, how dreadful!, high life expectancy not only for billionaires) always have been and still are a thorn in the flesh since their beginnings, and this and only this is the reason for the worldwide corona dictatorship. (This achieved standard of living, however, could only be kept up and extended to impoverished countries after a few generations of one-child-families on a global scale; but: contrary to all propaganda nothing would be easier than that. A tenth of all the fuss and constraints of the corona regime would suffice for that, and this would work really well and very quickly. AIDS, too, could have been irretrievably eradicated pretty fast, just like the smallpox, with one hundredth of the testing that is currently done, and as far as birth control is concerned, for this is what reality has proven, it would be enough simply not to hamper it and to stop all birth propaganda and motherhood campaigns.)

Of course, according to the megacapital’s wishes, this should not happen, good life should be reserved to the happy few, and as all kinds of media are completely in their hands, they are therefore hammering boundless renunciation into our heads instead of lowering the birth rate to half until, after a few generations, the only planet we have will be noticeably relieved and conditions are achieved again for a life worth living for the masses instead of only for billionaires. (Adolf with his Mother crosses pursued the same sinister goal of overpopulation for the same reasons at his time, but for the best of the big capitalists of his own, relatively small country that were still independent at that time.) That is the reason for this harsh corona dictatorship with all its lies, all this yapping and persecution of the free and rational word, for example of the few doctors who withstand the forced conformity. They risk almost as much as if they had clearly named the inconsistencies of anti-Semitism during the 3rd Reich. That is why it happens so rarely.

Since it existed, the WHO had always defined a worldwide epidemic – nothing else is meant by the word »pandemic« – exactly the way every person and doctor in the whole world did since the »Black Death« in the Middle Ages: a spreading contagious disease which mostly leads to death or otherwise in the majority of cases to serious permanent damages. (The WHO text that disappeared on May 4th 2009 read: »with enormous numbers of death and illness« [1]) That is the reason why influenza epidemics have never been fought with totalitarian measures, even though without vaccination they caused considerably more deaths than the new, quite similar corona virus ever did (and, of course, corona causes deaths almost exclusively amongst the elderly or seriously chronically ill). By the way, even the »corona drama« could be over with the existence of the vaccine at the very latest, which is why its use is dragged on in such a scandalous way and why such an absurd »fuss and bother« is made about it. And also this fuss, the bait that is obviously swallowed by a tremendous mass of »useful idiots«, is built up and coordinated by the US megacapital, of course under the lead of one of its private »foundations«. In Germany it is Reiner Füllmich, the experienced destroyer of competitors of US-American companies (VW and Deutsche Bank), who is directing this, using a rather rude language.

This is also why the respective numbers of corona cases and deaths are unscrupulously faked to appear much higher than they really are, why doctors are put under pressure in order to record false causes of death of old-age-homes’ inhabitants, and many other things. The highly official Institute for Forensic Medicine of the University Hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf, certainly not infiltrated by us, stated, for instance, that 99% of the alleged Corona deaths in their district had died due to other causes – that says it all!

So, even though all past influenza epidemics had cost much more deaths than the artificially inflated new corona epidemic, the top officials at the WHO did not consider changing their definition of pandemic up to the 4th of May 2009 – as long as the Eastern Bloc had been there and hence US world domination not yet totally strangulating, this would have meant to score an own goal, no matter how influential the US megacapital had already been at the WHO at that time. But shortly after the end of the Eastern Bloc the preparations began, starting on the basis of imaginary terrorists (»in case some terrorists could smuggle in bacteria, what shall we do then?« – in the end, the initiators of the »study« became the »terrorists« themselves in a way) who or whose respective attacks on people’s health were to be fought virtually by the respective department of Johns Hopkins University, notorious for its complete dependence on big business, while simultaneously under the shadow of this pretext the WHO established the commanding structures by which we are now enslaved and blathered down (in a similar way to newly conquered and forcibly christened Teuton or Slav tribes in the early Middle Ages during that christianization, without which serfdom could never have been established by their new feudal lords). This also is the reason why the WHO definition of the term »pandemic«, self-explanatory up to then, disappeared without trace from the internet in 2009, just like a newspaper report that must not be remembered in Orwell’s state of »1984«. Only on the website of the German Robert Koch Institute, most reliably tied to US supremacy since the annexation of Eastern Germany and therefore especially »official«, one can (could?) still find an echo of the now denied reality: »The WHO points out that even a pandemic virus that causes predominantly comparatively mild symptoms in otherwise healthy persons might overstrain the health systems of a state due to the high number of ill persons in a limited (!) period of time …« (WHO, May 11th 2009; actually the quoted words in italics are a variation used in the German and other vasall states. In the original text of the WHO the words »with enormous numbers of death and illness«, self-evident for decades, were simply deleted after May 4th, 2009). So this is the reason for the fake pictures of overcrowded intensive care units, shown later on, whereas in reality these intensive care units were empty most of the time… well prepared!


Only real epidemics justify emergency measures.

But without the disempowerment of feudality the Christian terror with its millions of victims – »heretics«, »witches«, Jews, Manicheans – could not have been stopped, and without removing the US megacapital from power – »Drain the swamp!« as the brave class defector Trump called it – also the present and the only just starting global terror of the US megacapital (respectively of its imperialist main faction that is orientated towards capital export and thus towards impoverishment and breaking the people’s resistance also in their own country) will not take an end.

But to understand the mechanisms can be the beginning of it. Those in power and their servants know that very well, and we too should allow ourselves their cleverness.



[1] Obviously this would have been true for AIDS, but as its mode of spreading is more specific compared to the plague, smallpox or cholera, the effective fight against it on the basis of the existing laws on infectious disease was suppressed for reasons easy to guess. At that point, not earlier, the beneficiaries and oppressors of mankind »got the hang of it«, i.e. they understood what a psychologically advantageous instrument for destroying the achievements of the people was to be found in the field of health and illness, as it allowed – counting on the sluggish and fearful majority – to hide behind »nature« instead of exercising tyranny on merely political or religious grounds.


Freedom of speech means to say to a man what he does not want to hear. – Meinungsfreiheit bedeutet, jemandem etwas sagen zu können, was er nicht hören will. George Orwell

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