Stalingrad – this time without us!
The Green Foreign Minister and warmonger Baerbock, who has sprung from the elite training centres of the American multi-billionaire George Soros, recently bragged that Germany and Europe are waging war against Russia, which her SPD-boss, who plays the role of the “hesitator” in the ping-pong of the politniks, denied lyingly, but, anyway, this has long been an obvious fact: German tanks are rolling against Russia again, fighter jets are to follow, and German soldiers have been in the frontline state of Ukraine for a long time already, but this time under foreign command, as US vassals. And the billions and billions in war costs have been paid from day one anyway by us, the people, and not by the billionaires and bigwigs.
This is not our war!
Compliance with Article 26 of the Basic Law – no war of aggression from German soil!
As we know, the constitution is worth as much as the people who defends it.(This is also laudably stated in the final sentence at the end of the Greek constitution, but it applies always and everywhere.) You did not defend it, when first Willy Brandt broke the constitution in 1972 with his politically motivated occupational bans (“Berufsverbote”), nor when German money, weapons and soldiers were unconstitutionally used against Yugoslavia (namely under SPD-Schröder and Green-Joschka); Yugoslavia had attacked us as little as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria had. And those were not at all Russian wars but wars of aggression by the USA and their vasalls that have cost far more than six million lives after the Second World War: Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians etc.- for “democracy” and “human rights”, isn’t it, as they seem to flourish in those pampered states that use to have hands chopped off, since they have neither bombs nor “N”GOs to fear – whereas not a single dollar was ever paid to the destroyed victim countries for compensation, no US artist was ever bullied into distancing himself, no US citizen was ever expropriated nor US government assets confiscated. And most of you smirked, when the Soviet Union fell, exhausted after the decades of arms race, the Soviet Union, which, despite all Stalinist degeneration had by its mere existence made the standard of living in the Western Bloc possible (showcase of the West), that has been cleared away by now (as well as in its not yet degenerated form the 8-hour day and collective agreements in this country – both of which had not been fought for by means of European strikes but were the result of a panic reaction of the ruling classes of Europe and their consequent mendacious meek and mild attitude).
Russia, too, did not attack Germany, neither did it attack the USA nor any EU- or NATO-state. Apart from launching a defensive strike, which would then affect us Europeans in particular, who as willing US lackeys should not complain then, after all, it is militarily far too weak for that, even if it had wanted to. NATO’s military budget is more than 20 times larger than that of the Russians, even together with China Russia does not even have half the military expenditure of the USA alone. And do you know of a single war of aggression, which is always started by the stronger part, in which the weaker party was not blamed guilty, mendaciously – from radio station Gleiwitz to the Gulf of Tonkin. From the Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” that, contrary to the USA, did by no means exist there, as everyone knows by now (otherwise Bush would not categorically have stopped the search for them a few days after the occupation of the country in order not to remind people of his lies for too long) just as little as the incubator babies, who were allegedly slammed to the ground by Saddam’s soldiers, both were cold lies, to the analogous Serbian mass rapes and the Libyan Viagra rapists: All this were commissioned lies invented by spin doctors in the service of the US government as in former times by their grateful disciple Goebbels. And today it’s supposed to be the devil Putin (in a straight line back to the “Jewish-Bolchevist World Conspiracy” invented by the above mentioned Dr. Goebbels).
Don’t trust the Fake-News-press blindly anymore!
Without NATO’s advance, which since the end of the Eastern Bloc kept moving closer and closer to the Russian border, encircling Russia further and further, the current war would not only have been over long ago, but it would not even have begun. Until immediately before his “military strike” Putin’s repeated and always rejected offer to the USA and its puppet on a string Selenski was: no further NATO-expansion eastwards, Ukraine remains neutral, i.e. without NATO soldiers, NATO ramps and biomilitary poison breweries, the eastern Ukrainian territories, inhabited almost exclusively by Russians, are granted a status of partial autonomy within Ukraine, Crimea remains Russian according to the overwhelming vote of the 2014 referendum (when Kosovo seceded in the same way, no one moaned about it, and when Slovakia seceded from the Czech Republic, i.e. the eastern part from the western part, nobody cared two hoots about it). Incidentally, what would be the USA’s reaction in case Russia was to form a new military alliance with Mexico and station nuclear missiles there with a five-minute-flight-time to Washington? (To give you a clue: In the early 1960s, when the Soviet Union did just that in Cuba in response to the NATO-stationings in Turkey, which is quite close to Russia, the USA immediately threatened it with a third world war, which was only very narrowly averted by the unilateral withdrawal of the Russians.) In any case, we Europeans could have lived well with Putin’s offer – with Russian oil and gas instead of expensive American or Saudi supplies (at least until the resources will be exhausted worldwide) – the Russians, too, and the overwhelming majority of Ukranians even more so. The latter had voted in elections (even recognised by the OSCE!) for President Yanukovych, who wanted to keep the country loosely tied to Russia, supply it with cheap Russian oil, declaredly did not want to lead it into NATO and rejected the blackmailing association agreement with the EU. But Ukraine was intended to serve as NATO deployment area, which is why the 2014 Maidan coup was staged and financed against him – according to Victoria Nuland by means of 5 billion dollars (which US-billionaire Soros “donated” and then extorted from the EU to refund them to him, don’t forget these facts when someone complains about inflation, for instance!).”Fuck the EU”, she replied when someone asked her about the EU’s interests in this affair, and the same Nuland, who was dismissed from her office in the US State Department during the Trump government and appointed again to the same post under Biden, publicly cheered after the demolition of Nordstream 2, that now it “is a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea” – cui bono? (By the way, what about the search for the perpetrators? Shouldn’t they be same criminals who mined the ports of Nicaragua because they did not like the election results there, and then, sued at the genuine International Court at Den Haag, publicly declared, that they were shitting on any international law?! See more under and
This war was planned for a long time by the US-monopolists, the Soros/Rockefeller/Gates-gang, Trump, who wanted to prevent it and therefore was defamed and pissed on by their globally synchronised press etc. permanently, was only able to grant the world four years of deferment. Their aim is nothing less than the destruction of Russia as a sovereign state, and everyone knows this, at least secretly, even if he works himself up, in utmost obedience to the press, into all kinds of mental contortions. But not even such a person will ever seriously believe that even the smallest crumb from the Russian (and then from the last, the Chinese) cake will fall for him as a reward for his unquestioning trustfulness, when a “colour revolution” financed with dollars or a coup is staged on Red Square in a bled-out Russia in the often practised US manner and the quisling government installed hereafter (as already under Yeltzin) sells out the country to the US warmongers (as happened in Iraq and Libya).
Germans, Europeans, the peoples of the world, including the US American with the exception of their billionaires have nothing to gain from this, quite to the contrary, their impoverishment and the deprivation of their rights, already pushed forward quite far under the Corona-yoke and the knout of climate change, which is a pack of lies, is to be speedily sealed under totalitarian US world domination.
This is not our war!
Stop all arms supplies to Ukraine!
Immediate negotiations with Russia!
NATO, get out of Ukraine!
We will stand together and discuss with all those, who share this smallest denominator. Do not let yourselves be divided according to the patterns of the state’s smear campaigns – this is the litmus test, that will unmask fraudulent labelling, Schwarzer and Wagenknecht are to be measured against this, too!
Freedom of speech means to say to a man what he does not want to hear. – Meinungsfreiheit bedeutet, jemandem etwas sagen zu können, was er nicht hören will. George Orwell