The WTC-Substitute from the Gaza Strip
From KETZERBRIEFE [Heretics' Letters] No.241
We provide our readers here with the English translation of an article from Ketzerbriefe 241, December 2023/January 2024, by Fritz Erik Hoevels. Due to its complexity and length, this article does not seem suitable for this medium. However, as it provides a deeper understanding of the historical contexts and religious and ideological disputes in the Middle East, assuming concentrated attention and calm, we do not want to withhold it from our English-speaking readers.
When it was reported a few weeks ago that Hamas had once again fired rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip, and this time nastily enough at a major civilian event, the majority of recipients of this news probably assumed that this was yet one more of the countless episodes from the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian permanent war, and thus did not pay any major attention to the incident.
But the incident was strange right from the start: there had been no fighting between the hostile parties for a long time, and the Palestinian terrorist attacks had also ceased for quite some time already. Why did Hamas suddenly launch a new provocation after such a long break, and then such an ugly one that people will involuntarily be reminded of the routine US mass killings of harmless civilians from the air in Iraq?
Even more strange, however, is something else that due to lack of memory has unfortunately so often slipped the minds of most newspaper readers and internet users who get spattered with the inevitable propaganda slurry called “news” on the way to their emails: a few years ago, during the long and unequal NATO war against the unfortunate Syria, the country’s defenders once managed to capture a large group of invaders. And, lo and behold!, what turned out? Among these armed invaders were not only Israeli officers, but also Hamas fighters! (There was even talk about captured Saudis, but this report quickly got lost in the black hole of our news suppression.) So the enmity between Hamas and Israel can no longer be that abysmal… of course our newspapers had to briefly spout a lot of gossip to explain away this unexpectedness before falling naturally and hurriedly silent on the embarrassing topic… so the shifts on the front seem to reflect astounding events behind the scenes, to which this region already had provided many a parallel at the times of the Knights of the Cross…
If Hamas’s at least initially fanatical hostility towards Israel should have undergone an unexpected softening, which would make the new provocation appear extremely strange and unmotivated if really only caused by Israeli-Palestinian tensions, Hamas’s mortal enmity towards Syria and Hezbollah (which defends it) is all the less deniable and at least as ancient or existing from the very beginning. To understand it, one has to go a little further back.
I hope my readers still remember the long and grim Lebanese civil war – a real one this time! – whose traces can still be seen today in many ruins in Beirut and which inflicted the saddest of wounds on the treasures of the Lebanese National Museum, which unfortunately was located at an inner-city front line of this war for quite a long time. (Israel also intervened in this civil war but without dominating it – Israel left some devastation in its wake, but mainly in the south of the country from which provocations had indeed ocurred on its territory, despite the far more pressing internal Lebanese conflicts). This civil war had been fought between the country’s religious factions (someone who learned nothing from Marx could be satisfied with this), and these were astoundingly numerous, i.e. up to thirteen or more depending on the way of counting them, and all of them had previously built up their own militias under some label or other, leaving the regular army somehow behind in the dust.
Lebanon is named after its main mountain range (whose cedars were already famous and coveted in Gilgamesh’s time, adorn its flag and are almost impossible to find in the mountains nowadays) and was a predominantly Christian country until recently, i.e. just before the civil war, but then the Muslims gained the majority. They reached it not so much through violent losses they had inflicted on the Christians (although this disgustingly also happened before Lebanese independency was achieved), but rather through the actually iron laws of sociology, which were already noticed by the Romans and created the Latin term proletarius (casually translated as ‘breeding like rabbits’).
The Christian faith had been the religion forced upon the locals since Byzantine times. As in terms of average property and income the Christians in the country were and still are better off than the Muslims, they tend to have less offspring. As long as the level of productive forces and consequently hygiene was low, the higher infant mortality of poorer people was able to roughly compensate for this imbalance between the religions (which was caused by different social strata); since the introduction of antibiotics this is of course no longer the case, and since then the laws of interest calculation have applied. On average, all religions and denominations in the country, or rather their followers, are eager to cram it mercilessly with people and thus destroy it, not so much by means of firebombs than by the uterus bomb. According to statistics from the last third of the past century, the women of even the wealthiest Christian faction had more than three children, and those of the poorest Islamic faction even more than seven. This not only destroys nature…
Statistically, the best-positioned Christian faction locally is that of the “Maronites”, i.e. the Orthodox who were bought up by the Roman Church and thus annexed, but remain unmolested in their ancestral rites; the best-positioned Muslim faction, with an even higher birth rate and being the base of Hamas, is the Sunni faction. In addition, there are other Orthodox Christians as we understand them (i.e. moderate dyophysites like Catholics and Protestants are, too), the Syrian Orthodox Church (designating themselves monophysite) and the “extremely dyophysite” so-called Nestorians; despite their dogmatic differences the two latter (and relatively poorest) Christian denominations get along best in everyday life (and, as we will see, not without historical reason). On the Islamic side, the Sunnis are followed by the Shiites, of whom there also are various factions. Originally they were poor rural people and from them Hezbollah was recruited. The Druses follow as the country’s third religion; they are roughly in the lower middle of the property etc. and therefore in the upper third of the birth rate. Due to the persecution suffered by the caliphs they are emotionally (but not dogmatically) closer to the Christians than to the Muslims; in the Middle Ages they found refuge in a certain part of the mountains, which allows some conclusions about the idyllic population density at that time. In Israel, they are the most loyal allies of the Jewish majority, as this has saved them from the Islamic pressure; in Syria, of course, they are on the side of the legitimate government, their only protection against NATO-Islamic mass terror. The Jews themselves have become numerically insignificant in Syria since the foundation of Israel, but have been treated impeccably by all Assad goverments insofar as they are Syrian citizens. And there is a deeper reason for this, too, a deeper reason even than father and son Assad were able to admit or even allowed themselves to admit.
Because of the precarious balance of Lebanon’s religions, which are hostile towards each other as always as long as they are playing a role as such, this country has an elaborated constitution that distributes its highest offices according to religious proportionality – an unfortunate solution, as it should turn out! Due to the above-mentioned sociological law, which has been known for thousands of years, this proportionality has shifted since medical care became reasonably efficient also for the poor, and all denominations did not realize that whoever says “antibiotics” must also say “birth control pill”– it is the same development as elsewhere, which has rapidly sucked the oil out of our planet, irreversibly ruined the animal and the plant kingdom and got everyone except a few superparasites poorer and more reglemented. Consequently, Lebanon’s Muslims, whose number had grown beyond the former proportions, wished the constitutional proportional representation to be adapted to the new circumstances, while the Christians did not, and so the civil war took its course, which became even more complicated because of the country’s confessional diversity.
It is not without interest how this came about. Of course, it is favoured by the strong orographic diversity of the country, but this was not the driving force in the beginning. During the Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages the driving force had been the vampirism of the capital Byzantium towards the outer provinces of its empire, namely towards Syria (to which Lebanon belonged) and Egypt. They were mercilessly squeezed dry in order to maintain the loyalty of the inhabitants of the capital, who were kept tax-free and thus their number swelled enourmously, a situation which certainly did little to strengthen the loyalty of the suffering periphery.
What do you do in Christian totalitarianism if you want to effectively disobey or discredit the emperor? You declare him, his followers and bishops to be heretics, but then you need leaders among the local bishops to make it look like a unified movement, which will only work if the general bitterness is widespread and intense enough. And such it was; so now the easiest way to unify the opposition was to not go along with the last dogmatic shift, i.e. to not recognize the decision of the last council (which depended on the emperor). In the case of Syria, it was the one of Ephesus and for Egypt the one of Chalcedon.
To cut a long story short: the “Nestorians”, who refused to recognize the dogmas of Ephesus, had to endure the harshest persecutions as pioneers of peripheral resistance; many fled, and their members with the greatest will to resistance were the ones who had the least to loose at the same time and therefore mostly came from those strata who had been treated worst (at that time these were the poor peasants). There were analogous conditions at the time of the second anti-Chalcedonian (i.e. mono- or miaphysite) wave of resistance, which was centered in Egypt but also spread to Syria. (Without both, the Arab conquest of the southern Mediterranean region and the Near East would probably have been impossible.) Thus, alongside the Coptic Church, the “Orthodox” (but anti-Chalcedonian) Syrian National Church emerged (which is therefore not anti-Ephesian, but resembles the anti-Ephesian church in terms of its hidden motivation); the relative urbanization of Lebanon (i.e. mainly on its coast) explains the relatively high proportion of Christians there that we call “Orthodox” (namely both pro-Ephesian and pro-Chalcedonian; at the time, this faction was locally called “Melkite” [from the Arabian malek = king], which meant “loyal to the emperor”), as far as Christians before the “Catholic”, i.e. Roman secession of 1054 are concerned. (I can’t help it if this part of history is complicated, and I have already cut it down to the essentials). The resulting social classification of the denominations has been tenaciously preserved to this day.
However, it was overlain once again by the Arab conquest (which was very easy, as the Syrian part of the Byzantine army defected to the Arabs right on the battlefield and was therefore at least initially hardly embarassed afterwards in their religious practice or burdened by special taxes – however both, embarassement and taxes, were easier to bear than under the Byzantine emperor). As soon as it became clear over time that a Byzantine reconquest was no longer to be expected or that the “conquered” who had fallen under Arab suzerainty could no longer return (this happened approximately with the change of dynasty in the Eastern Caliphate from Omayads to Abbasides, which was also related to this), these burdens did begin to grow nevertheless, and with them the number of Christians converting to Islam also increased. But for the Arabs and Muslims the burdens also grew, at least the secular ones in terms of money did – they could no longer be mere conquerors, those good times were over. Finally, also the exploitation of the urban population reached Byzantine dimensions again, and therefore a new internal Islamic opposition formed in the oppressed strata, following the change of dynasty, but giving it a religious twist (for this seemed to be a very useful means for the given purpose), and this internal Islamic opposition – the Shiites – contested the legitimacy of their caliphs, later of the sultans and drew dramatic episodes in the history of these power struggles into the metaphysical and mythological sphere. Naturally, the wrath of their exploiters and rulers came back on them, but they often remained recalcitrant and increased their self-assertion against the greedy central power, as soon as the latter became cruel, in a symmetrical way to fanaticism, which again had to have a religious colouring due to the context. This happened in several waves, and relatively calm zones were naturally appreciated by the persecuted – northern Lebanon was one such zone at the time, and this contributed to the concentration of Shiites there.
During the course of history, Shiite caliphates or dominions were also formed in some places, and then it never took long until new religious guises of the (predominantly peasant) resistance became necessary again. In Iran with its now Shiite rule this was Bahaïsm, on the northern edge of the Fatimid (and therefore also Shiite) caliphate, i.e. in Syria, there formed a new Shiite secession, the branch of Alevism that is called “Nussairians” after the name of its founder (and in which Ali, revered by all Shiites as a kind of super-prophet and at the same time arch-martyr – which lays the track to Jesus – has risen to true godlike status and is even – a broad hint – said to have been born on the same day of the year as Jesus). Not only the Assad family belongs to this denomination, but also the most important part of the Syrian official hierarchy, but only around 3% of the Syrians. This makes for an unfortunate base.
The reader of astonishingly irrelevant race and sex will have noticed that the burden of faith and thus irrationality in the predominantly peasant resistance movements either has increased compared to the original religion (no matter how irrational it may already be) or that at least the interest in gross irrationalities of the original religion has increased almost pathologically, e.g. in details of the metaphysical anatomy of Jesus. The reader could therefore be misled to think that this irrationality is part of the substance of the resistance movements that inevitably take on a religious form due to time, circumstances and violence. But this observation applies either only formally or only to the first generations of these movements, as long as they have violence against them. (If, on the other hand, they gain power and do not attain their secret social aim or lose it on their way to power, the whole game starts all over again, which is not of interest here, as this never happened in Syria and Lebanon). Once the relationship between the oppressed and the oppressors has stabilized after a while, we can regularly make the exact opposite observation: regardless of the extended irrationality of their denomination, in which they pretend to believe or even persuade themselves to believe, the members of discriminated religions, because they are openly or latently opposed to the existing power, become increasingly rational and benign, at least if the discrimination they suffered is not completely extreme and then only leaves the option of fanaticism. Thus, over time, the members of these disadvantaged (or even fiercely harrassed) communities become the – relatively or absolutely – best representatives of reason and humanity in their countries: the Alevis in Turkey (think of Aziz Nesin, for example), the Bahaï (and Zoroastrians) in Persia and the Nussairians in Syria. For the sake of fairness let us also mention the Jews residing in Christian countries who, after the end of their continuous, nearly boundless harassment brought forth a Spinoza in the Calvinist Netherlands, after it had ended in the rest of Western Europe men like Marx, Freud and as a long-range effect also Trotzki, and who were the targets of Hitler’s and his kindred spirits’ hatred because their intellectual and moral powers of judgement were on average superior to those of the rest and therefore a hindrance to ideology. Or think of Mumbai’s Parses who have not been murdered or harrassed anymore for a long time, but are very isolated and whose overwhelming majority are solid non-believers. For a Syria without religious atrocities (eventually the US-fed ISIS was allowed to make up for that), born Nussairians are on average the best leaders – for instance, think of how Assad Sr. with skill and firmness managed to save his country from the darkest, most boundless and bloodiest religious terror – a close shave it was, and to the great annoyance of the US. He was able to achieve this despite his minority origins because he essentially kept his social promises – Syria is one of the few countries in which I have seen neither slums nor a single beggar, not even in the largest cities, and I have been to almost every country in the world. So you could also allow yourself tolerance and curbing of terrorism, no matter how deeply the mullahs were able to anchor the corresponding evil tendencies in many brains by using man’s worst characteristic, the tendency to project, for this purpose. What projection is in the sense of psychoanalysis, and how evil it is, since every projection contains the entire potential of Auschwitz regardless of whether it is directed against “witches”, Jews, Russians or nowadays also alleged “rights”, is known to the intelligent reader of the original version of Reich’s “Mass Psychology of Fascism” and needs only be recalled here, but not explained. – The relative safe zone from religious rage has been destroyed by the NATO alumni of ISIS, our press is agitating against this safe zone, and only Hezbollah is defending it from its small northern Lebanese territory, while the German army – to whose ships’ commanders the quite powerless Lebanese president is showing up time and again to bow and scrape (for instance when I was in Beirut) – is using our taxpayers’ money to cut off Hezbollah from its supply of weapons, i.e. those weapons which were for a long time the only protection from the outside for so many Syrians against the religious rapists and cutthroats (“rebels”) smuggled into the country. This leaves Hezbollah with little energy left for attacks on Israel, whatever hatred it may rightly or wrongly harbor.
I do not want to idealize Hezbollah; it undoubtedly contains evil religious elements, and since its religion is that of the 4th Sura, also anti-Semitic elements. But its situation forces it to be better than it wants to be. In any case – it may have been a coincidence – I have never felt so comfortable and safe in any corner of the Islamic world (whose hardcore parts I have always strictly avoided anyway) as in the Hezbollah part of Lebanon, and I believe that the attitude of its harrassed inhabitants (once I could even hear combat noise, the border was close), that was always free of fanaticism (which I was able to observe even in Atatürk’s country from time to time), was sincere. (Of course, I can’t rule out the possibility that later observations might correct this impression, but that’s how it was – and I had been warned strongly about this region even on the flight to Beirut!)
But back again from the subjective to the objective. The fierce hatred of Hamas against Hezbollah (which could also be recognized indirectly through the numerous graffiti on the walls of Beirut’s houses, as well as against Assad) is probably rooted precisely in this aspect of Hezbollah and masks the even more impurely motivated hatred against Israel. (This does not mean that it would not be reactivated if the constellation of powers changed). But Israel is invulnerable as long as it may be needed or could be used by the US ruling class; and this impresses authoritarian characters such as the arch-Muslims of Hamas, as arch-anti-Semitic as they are, nevertheless (“Hamas, Hamas, Jews into the gas!”, was their slogan at several demonstrations – and only those who love to eat the lies straight out of the hands of the “free democratic basic order” or rather, since they stink so much, straight out of its ass without any disgust, would wonder why there was complete impunity and the usually so agitated unisono press fell dead silent about it). (My local unisono newspaper, the BZ, once let slip that ISIS cadres had been taken from the US concentration camp Guantánamo after having been tortured several times; since ISIS has raged exclusively against peoples and governments – and would probably continue to do so without the heroic Trump interlude – which the government of their own torturers slander and outlaw, this would mean that people who are loyal to authority rather than committed to truth and performance, as true Muslims – even the self-chosen name of their religion proclaims this program – must be, are obviously also willing to serve their enemies, and enthusiastically so, if only they have beaten them up sadistically enough. In this respect, a temporary Israel/Hamas alliance in the service of the USA – from the side of Israel, because it has to, from that of Hamas for the reason explained – is not as unimaginable as it could seem on the surface, and it is also proven by the above-mentioned fortunate capture of an invading force. Hamas resents the Jews for what all anti-Semites resent them for, because they never achieved it themselves: Dignity in a situation of weakness, and that will never change with people committed to authority instead of truth (however difficult to ascertain). But Hamas resents Syria and, as a result, Hezbollah because of their religious tolerance and thus a position leaning towards enlightenment, and this is – as a kind of betrayal from within their own ranks (as neither the Syrian majority nor Hezbollah have cut themselves off from religion) – even worse, especially when the side that sympathizes however weakly with enlightenment and thus truth (the opposite of which is not error, but lies, especially lies supported by violence), which has fallen away from its own, i.e. solidly Islamic side, is also weak or has become weak, like all Arab states that are not completely stinking after the destruction of their Soviet support which had allowed them every half-heartedness – and this is now taking its toll.
For even Syria’s tendency towards enlightenment was only half-hearted, and the bill is now being presented for this. Although it wouldn’t have been possible without serious problems between the two parties, Syria could have made a favorable peace with Israel at any time and, above all, in good time (even if the US governments would have been extremely reluctant to see this); to do so, however, they would have had to leave the Islamic camp, which includes such hideous pustules and stinking states like Saudi Arabia, whose only unifying link since the founding of Israel have not been the teachings of Mohammed in the strict sense, but only its anti-Semitism (in the common, in itself absurd sense of the word). Against all the internal resistance that would then naturally break out, it should have firmly declared that the equality of all citizens before the law (of course not only Jews, but also Scientologists, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc. if necessary), i.e. religious tolerance, stands above any religion and that a state that reliably adheres to this principle is in any case closer to Israel than to Saudi Arabia and the like, with whom it has nothing in common and does not defile itself through any connection whatsoever with it. (Incidentally, this would also have put Israel under obligation, which is not a flawless role model for the peoples of the world). Certainly, this course would have triggered internal battles that would have had to be fought (namely with the help of the Christian fifth and the most enlightened third of the population born into Islam, a battle that would have been much more promising early enough after the world war in an overall more hopeful mankind than in the dull later times) –, but even in the worst case scenario (unlike as against the exemplary Taraki, who was under much greater internal pressure, the USA could not yet intervene in a paramilitary manner, as they also not could do in e.g. South Yemen), the result could not look any worse as it has done so far. But in the case of success: wouldn’t it have been downright radiant and giving rise to hopes for the whole world? Half-heartedness never ends well, and a quarter of enlightenment certainly does not…
It is only natural that Hamas as a force of darkness makes common cause with other forces of darkness, nowadays the USA, and it will only do so with Israel as long as it functions as a US tool, e.g. against Syria. And so it shot its missiles out of the Gaza Strip in the ugliest possible way according to a joint plan in order to spare the US the blowing up of a second WTC – such a deed wears itself out, and the first one was already very suspicious. (It collapsed, for example, exactly according to the “torte pattern” well known to engineers in the relevant field, with which high-rise buildings in densely built-up areas are blown up from the inside in order to save demolition costs, and not like a high-rise building hit by an airplane; and there was also a lot else wrong). Whereas otherwise the USA never interfered in the not exactly rare Israeli-Palestinian duels, least of all directly, the current rocket launch is supposed to be the adventurous pretext for the final military solution to the Iranian question: the rockets fired are supposed to have come from there, just as the more or less real Islamic blockheads or van der Lubbes, who provided the scene for the WTC demolition with their rented plane (probably controlled by Saudi Arabia at the request of the US, which is supported by the nationality of the legendary bin Laden) were somehow connected with Afghanistan, which is why it was to be destroyed and occupied, but only in order to liquidate Iraq as well, which had nothing to do with it at all but could associatively be linked to it in the sluggish minds of the stupid majority via religious and geographical links (which quite rightly caught the attention of rather indignant US writers of reader’s letters shortly before the attack, but couldn’t have an effect against the majority of Orwellian sheep). And on the same pretext, the Persian mullah regime – ugly but petty-bourgeois instead of monarchical and therefore not completely stinking – is now to be swiftly dissolved after it has lost its remaining Russian support in a similar way.
Hamas was needed for this disgusting plan and it went along with it. What does it hope to gain from this? – A piece of Israel or even more, in any case another piece of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. Because the only sincere American friend with power that Israel ever had was Trump, and he offered both sides the most tolerable peace that one could have in this corner of the world; but the Palestinians of whatever party did not accept it, as they were well aware what terrible, Yugoslavia-like revenge they would face if they did (the only Israeli almost-head of state who had similar plans, Rabin, died in a rather mysterious assassination shortly before he could be elected) as soon as Trump could no longer protect them – and Israeli hotheads to carry out this revenge would not have been hard to find.
If Israel becomes superfluous for the USA, which could happen quickly after the destruction of the rest of Russia, then the USA can even act up as the (de facto anti-Semitic) benefactor of the Arab-Islamic world – least of all “our”, i.e. their media will not skimp on “explanations” and applause, as we know it well enough from e.g. AIDS: Exhaustive resp. routine testing was said to be “fascist”, but regarding the in contrast to HIV ridiculously harmless coronavirus, testing in even the most oppressive and absurd ways was not “fascist” at all – anything goes. And so it could be with the destruction of Israel, the Iranian final solution could precede another final solution – who knows?!
Just objectively wait and see instead of judging beforehand – when I predicted the end of the Eastern Bloc “in three to five years” after the occupation of Grenada, nobody wanted to believe that either (sure enough in the Pentagon, but on the one hand I couldn’t get in, and on the other hand they didn’t need me there). Now that every serious self-organization of the dispossessed has been smashed since Hitler and that they are more believing and demoralized than the average serfs of the darkest Middle Ages, it is impossible to exert any influence anyway. Only slowly, very slowly, as in the tough centuries leading up to the Reformation and the modern era, the people must come to their senses and find their own spokesmen against the still unfamiliar media that have replaced the old pulpits.
Fritz Erik Hoevels
PS: According to the latest reports, the apparently arranged story seems to be even worse, the cooperation between Hamas and the Israeli government, in order to spare the poor USA the staging of a second WTC attack in their own country, seems to be even closer than even the boldest imagination of outsiders could have come up with. For when the Israeli blogger Efrat Fenigson, who has military experience, reports that the decisive Hamas force with all its weapons was able to cross the hottest border of the world unnoticed and unmolested and even to penetrate some 40 kilometres into enemy territory in order to carry out the most repulsive mass attack, then it is extremely difficult to come to any other conclusion than the most obvious one – for Israel is at least as helplessly dependent on the USA or rather its more de facto than formal government as the Saudis or the German governments and thus has also participated without any noticeable resistance in the worst and dirtiest imperialistic deeds such as the mining of the ports of Nicaragua, which had never harmed it in the slightest way.
PPS: The internet magazine of 13th of October 2023 provides a strange addition to this. The “star journalist” Seymour Hersh claims there to have discovered that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not only did everything he could for years to help the correctly ill-reputed Hamas gain more practical significance and prestige among the Palestinian people over the more respected PLO, that he even provided it with some solid funding, but also to have withdrawn all Israeli border troops from the Gaza Strip, i.e. the world’s hottest border, during the critical period in order to protect a third-strand provocation by illegal Israeli settlers on the West Bank from militant disruption: – This raises the question: which army in the world obeys such an insane order? And wouldn’t the not really undersized Israeli army not have been able to provide a few hundred men (a greater number wouldn’t have been necessary) from elsewhere for the alleged purpose? – Isn’t it more logical that word got around in Israel about the strange disappearance of its own border troops at the most important point (see above) which could no longer be covered up – just as after a week the desperate efforts of the German press to suppress knowledge about the violent attacks and numerous massive sexual attacks from the side of mainly North African false refugees on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne had to be abandoned, as this had become the lesser evil compared to a rampantly growing understanding of the unisono fake-news press – and now this should have been motivated relatively harmlessly by the whim of a single person, and anyone who parrots this or even calls this person “Bibi” like an insider is supposed to feel teribly clever.
For those interested we recommend the brochure 'Special edition on the second gulf war' with extracts from the special issue Ketzerbriefe 23.