Trump and Corona
As President Trump will never be able to please the press, which is firmly in the hands of his enemies, he also won't be in terms of the Corona epidemic. The only question is what he could have and should have done at all. (And anybody else in his place, if actually only the fight against a mostly harmless virus, which barely can't be prevented from spreading, is at stake. With its ways of transmission and degree of seriousness being very similar to the more virulent types of the Influenza virus, it can indeed be fatal to people with pre-existing diseases; summing up these deaths provides impressive absolute numbers, however these are a big lot smaller than the ones caused by AIDS.)
Trump’s popularity, which impressively defies the daily slanderous campaigns of the mega-capital, is based on an obvious and simple double strategy that effectively hinders wage cuts inside the USA by means of capital export into low-wage countries: protective duties and prevention of great numbers of unfair competitors entering the country and the labour market (this works in a country with a huge domestic market and lots of resources). For the Chinese as well as US-Americans have learned the appropriate use of the contraceptive pill by now, but Latinos not yet. There are two ways to wage cuts (no matter if by cuts without inflation or by inflation with nominally constant wages): either misery goes to capital or capital goes to misery. The first and most comfortable method is the import of cheap workers (“migrants”), the second, a little less comfortable, is the export of capital. As Trump immediately did whatever he could in order to block the first way, there was a huge and shrill clamour of the press, synchronized across three quarters of the landmass of this planet as it is under the control of the US mega-capital; such a shrill and continuous shrieking hadn't been observed before, except perhaps after the founding of the new Soviet Union. (Because the latter soon got unattractive due to devastation by hostile armies and then degenerated – having to bear the subsequent overload of defence and the lead weight of inherited backwardness – the slanderous campaigns against Trump remained more dogged and incessant, as far as I can compare newspapers of the capitalist camp today and back then.) But Trump also put a damper on capital export by means of protective duties, to the benefit of the US-American working class: With production facilities that cost the same in the US and abroad, Rockefeller, Pew and whatever their names may be could offer goods more cheaply and with a higher profit than those produced in the US because they were manufactured in countries where workers' wages and life expectancy are smaller than in the US. But now, this profit is eaten up by higher duties, perhaps even a little bit more of it, and thus shrinked the inclination to export capital and produce unemployment and wage cuts in the USA. Grrr... scream... shriek; but the US working class was obliged to this president, who, for the first time in the history of their country, did belong to its ruling class (although as a newcomer), but still did not share its unlimited greediness and planned to keep it on a tight rein like a second Gaius Gracchus. And he didn't do so because he wanted to lure them into a war that would again only benefit this very ruling class, and after whose victorious end any New Deal could be left to gentle erosion again, but because he was disgusted at the planned and already visible pauperization of his citizens, the levelling down of the whole world and therefore without any leniency also of the USA according to the model of imperialism in Late Antiquity. And he did so without consideration of race, which black and yellow people of his country notice and therefore support him. (What is the point for a black man, if the existence of his race and that of any other as well is denied obtrusively and noisily, but in the end he has to play the role of the nigger anyway?!) In spite of all the daily propaganda, many US-Americans have learned that or at least felt it, i.e. people who are not part of the ruling class nor serve it. This honours them and makes a favourable difference between them and those bootlicking shit-gobblers of Europe (analogously to the quite similar Greeks at the time of the Roman Imperial Period), but of course they remain shaky due to lack of education and consciousness and they have to withstand the daily drumfire of propaganda. Trump’s third and utmost merit is one that he mustn't shout from the rooftops: He has stopped the war against Russia, which Brzezinski actively had aimed at and Obama already had prepared for – almost up to the point of opening the attack via Ukraïnia. (This corresponds to Trump's ideal of independent capitalistic states instead of a world crawling with people pauperized by a single, infinitely greedy monopolistic capital, and being as tied to blocks of flats and mobile phone surveillance as the serfs were to the domain during the Middle Ages.) Without him, we Central Europeans would perhaps have long been dead due to nuclear radiation from the last missiles from an assassinated Russia, which couldn’t reach the well protected primary aggressor with them anymore, but at least his Quislings who had surrendered their countries and their inhabitants as a deployment zone for this attack and had sacrificed them to the greed of the Soros-Rockefeller-Gang. If Trump had admitted this greatest merit of his, he would have become a sort of traitor in the eyes of the masses even of his voters, but especially of his army – because of the engrained anti-communism of his whole country as well as because of giving up on “its” conquests that were almost within reach (in reality of course only for its ruling class) – just in the way it would have happened to an otherwise popular critic of church and dogmas during the Middle Ages, in case he had denied the status of the Jews as a “cursed race”, which was engrained by the media monopoly of that very church at that very time.
This is why Trump grotesquely has praised himself by his court chronologists quite truly as a saviour of his country from an atomic war, but definitely not a war that this very country was just about to start against Russia (in the last month of his rule, Obama quite openly and directly threatened Russia with a nuclear attack after Aleppo had been liberated at last, i.e. in case they pursued the islamistic gangs of cutthroats whom he himself had ordered to be planted in and armed) but – from a war that the tiny and strangled North Korea, devastated by US bombs since long ago, had allegedly planned to start against the poor and pitiable USA! Anyway... This is also the context in which we have to understand Trump’s really very hideous policy against Venezuela and Cuba – in a savagely anticommunist country one’s own anticommunist image must not get damaged.
These are the pillars on which the people’s support for Trump against the Soros-Rockefeller-Gang is based, this is the solid foundation that serves as the foil for the working people (in contrast to those who serve their masters in an unproductive way) to see the difference between Trump’s sincerity and the lies of the press, its fuming and foaming. Unfortunately, on the one hand this ability seldom shows in a sufficiently conscious way and therefore remains endangered, on the other hand the area supported by these pillars also seems to mark Trump’s limits. For he doesn't seem to manage the unexpectedly emerged Corona problem very well.
Doubtlessly, the US mega-capital neither could bring about the development or the outbreak of the new virus nor determine their point of time. But it was a gift from heaven: now the moment had come to show the people of all industrial states and holiday destinations how they had to live in the future. (What purring susurrations we heard and keep hearing concerning AIDS, which liberties by no means “could” be restricted; ha, ha! Perhaps even retracing chains of infection, which is hardly manageable for Corona but actually quite easy in case of AIDS, etc.!) And this moment did by no means strike the US mega-capital unexpectedly: since SARS “people” had prepared themselves (under the direction of Bill Gates) to utilize an influenza-like epidemic for their own plans without having to create and deify a Greta, e.g. the breakdown of the worldwide network of air traffic for John Public, etc. etc.
Was the whole, very rapid spread of Corona out of China really merely natural? Was the WHO really not in the position to initiate measures against it more quickly? By all means, they are quite dependent on the Soros-Rockefeller-Gang. But these questions cannot be answered by an individual’s means; this Gang might really just have been lucky, especially concerning the point in time (just like Grynszpan’s assault in Paris was useful for the ruling Nazis, and which they doubtlessly neither ordered nor could have foreseen; but they immediately made perfect use of it, which makes it probable that they had already thought about the possibility of this scenario before). In any case, the new virus with its low lethality but high infectiousness all at once had spread rather simultaneously across all industrial states, and obviously had spread so widely that no local focus could be isolated anymore (the method by which the Chinese years ago had been able to get SARS under control and eradicate it in short time). One of these states were the “United”.
What can you do in such a situation, whether your name is Donald Trump or any other? There are only two options:
Either you degrade your citizens to progressively impoverishing prisoners without any rights for an unknown period of time (e.g. until a vaccination is available), that is you take extreme measures by which you will be able to stabilize the rate of infections or bring it asymptotically (i.e. after an infinite period of time) to zero in case these measures can be kept up with iron duress; or you apply more rigorous measures of isolation to the mostly endangered almost one percent of the population, i.e. the very old and people with serious pre-existing diseases (or you allow them to choose between isolation and taking this serious risk, a thought that already seems strange in times of Neototalitarianism) and apart from that let nature take its course. This means that many people will have to stay in bed for a short while, quite like in the case of influenza, among them very few children (as nearly all of them will develop practically no symptoms because of their good immune system and rather will acquire immunity against Corona resp. a boosted resistance), but also that a small number of infected people who are not part of a protected risk group will die. In the long run it will be about the same number as the one resulting from the extreme measures, but in the beginning it will be a few more. But on the other hand, under those radical measures, conditions will remain unchanged for an infinite period of time, in any case as long as there is no vaccination at hand, whereas concerning the second alternative the situation improves from month to month, as natural immunization and the amount of resistance increase and as a result the percentage of infectious persons will decrease. (The process is called “herd immunity”.) This is the way Sweden takes courageously and so successfully that the watchful reader of the daily propaganda roaring can notice that the propagandists have a hard time grumbling. (Only thanks to Sweden the previously concealed term “herd immunity” suddenly appeared in the meticulously controlled “media” and then became an argument in public discussion, although it is such an obvious one.) Trump cannot take this course because of the electoral campaign.
And in contrast to the propaganda, but on the basis of logic there is no middle course between these alternatives. The high infectivity, the unremarkable harmlessness of the disease up to the complete absence of symptoms during the silent process of immunization in the majority of infected individuals (whose number therefore cannot be determined without daily total mass screening, and this couldn't be realized even with the most extreme radicality) and the vast spreading that has already taken place make it as impossible to eradicate the virus, even by means of most ruthless radicality, as to eradicate influenza. The “relaxations”, once and again announced with siren songs for dumb Tantalusses, would just lead to an increasing infection rate again if put into practice (or otherwise would be restricted to loudly praised trifles of utmost insignificance), then the return to radicality would follow, and so on without an end. (All this of course under the precondition that a vaccine is not available, and it will [and obviously shall] be a long time coming (1), otherwise its production progress would be the hot topic of the day.)
Those are the facts; the idea to free recovered and therefore no longer infectious persons from the status of prisoners was very good (that's why it came from the AfD party [Alternative for Germany, a so-called rightist oppositional party with about 15% of votes] but, significantly enough, was neither promoted actively by its top ranks nor supported by the whole party as such), it would also improve the situation step by step (and is therefore ignored, if necessary attacked), but neither quickly nor substantially. There is no other way. After all there are only the above-mentioned two alternatives, no matter which details are emphasized or withheld.
It is to be very much supposed, that Trump, this enemy of a scary prison economy which benefits only very few fabulously rich invisible persons, would prefer the second alternative. But in this case a most fatal mechanism against him would start, based on the following: On the one hand, all important means of communication are in the hands of his (and mankind's) enemies, i.e. in those of the US mega-capital, which also practically controls all materials essential for livelihood in those about three quarters of the world that they rule by the help of local Quisling governments. On the other hand there is a fundamental human weakness, which only could be eradicated or at least substantially reduced by a thorough mass vaccination of the intellectual kind, namely in schools: the inclination to favour sensory perception above logic, to let oneself be impressed by absolute numbers instead of percentages resp. rates, to suppose that matters that are arranged in a certain way (and therefore are perceived as such) actually have to be this way. It is this fact that Engels so appropriately exposed as the insufficiency of “common sense”, which dislikes to accept that water consists of two flammable gases and nothing else, unless an authority urges it to do so, whereby nothing, at least nothing positive, would be gained.
We don’t know whether Trump could or would phrase it this way; but he realizes the (given the existing distribution of power) unavoidable consequence of this present dilemma – to realize this, his outstanding intelligence is sufficient also without a degree of psychology.
For had Trump decided to proceed according to alternative b, every single Corona death would have been slapped into his the face from the very beginning – and exactly that actually happened nevertheless (Trump's New York “death clock”, you may know this Democratic propaganda device), because he was looking for a middle course between extreme radicality and a more moderate approach, which just doesn't work at all. Because then you will have a higher infection rate than in the prison countries (at least in the beginning and especially compared to China, which also launched radical measures, but at a point in time when they still seemed promising – for this of course China was blamed just again, as it is not yet bent under the yoke of the Soros-Rockefeller-Gang and can therefore never please their press), without having a moderate, internationally restricted but nevertheless noticeable freedom as a counterweight in contrast to alternative a. But because Trump then inevitably would have been blamed for the allegedly so easily avoidable death cases, he could take this way even less – and on the background of this contrast he would have been even easier to blame than if he only had hesitated to launch extreme measures.
It is also possible that he did not see through the strategy of the WHO in good time. Instead of starting the radical measures instantly and thoroughly, which might have led to success, the WHO launched them slowly and therefore hopelessly too late to achieve the alleged purpose, but it created a depressing and paralysing atmosphere. Perhaps he did not understand it at all. In this direction points the (internationally barely mentioned) criticism of the WHO by the Australian government, that praises itself to have kept the infection rate in its country unusually low by refusing to launch radical measures only slowly – a criticism that shows that Trump’s rebuke of the WHO was right and makes us sit up and take notice – who gave the WHO this apparently stupid idea which eliminates freedom but not the virus? (As we said above, it could only be eliminated under conditions that no longer exist, as it has spread too far; but launching the freedom-killing radical measures very quickly, as Australia did, at least keeps the infection rate exceptionally low and therefore also the absolute number of death cases – a propagandistically valuable asset in the bargain. For the anti-freedom-propaganda this reduction in the number of death cases is of no importance though, because five or six death cases can be used propagandistically as well and loudly as five or six thousand given the above-mentioned cognitive weakness of mankind; but at least numerous death cases could have really been avoided by applying the same procedure, which was supposed to be its aim. And in the long run, in case the measures had been applied in this way worldwide, even the eradication of the virus would actually have been possible as soon as the vaccination became available – as it was possible for the smallpox –, if virus eradication had been the aim at all (and not a cheap version of mankind without holiday travels, let alone by air, and a few heirs of mega fortunes above the ugly crawling masses).
As President Trump criticised the WHO, the synchronized press naturally comes to its defence: at this early point in time, when radical suppressive measures would still have been useful at least concerning the purported aim, the WHO allegedly didn't have enough information yet about the spreading of the Corona virus, which of course the bad bad bad Chinese authorities were to blame for.
Again, the Lügenpresse lives up to their nickname’s reputation: at this very point in time, I already feared for a week for Chinese friends that I expected at the airport, dreading they might eventually be put in quarantine for two weeks. (Nothing of that kind happened, measures were taken only about another week later, at a point in time when they could only figure as a depressing Punch and Judy show.) If I am able to understand these matters on the basis of the plain news, the WHO is even more so. You don’t have to be an educated and practising virologist to predict the development of virus spreading when you know the way of infection, and neither a WHO-apparatchik.
But if the radical measures, that later on were forced upon people, had been instituted at a moment when they could have been passably successful (namely in the EU- and other industrial states), the buffer of cognitive dissonance reduction in the people would not have been sufficient; it had to be built up first. At that moment, launching radical measures would have required rational reasons and arguments in the form of proper calculations, which was to be avoided in favour of an uncritical, dumb will to obey or an unreasonable rebellion which can be easily discredited (for the aim was by no means to fight an epidemic but to fight holidays and to lower the standards of living; Corona only was a welcome tool).
This explains the only ostensible “sluggishness” and the subsequently only feigned headless panic and hyper-radicality of the WHO and their “recommendations”.
Just go through the whole matter and apply minimalism of hypotheses; the alternative hypothesis, saying that all the staff of the huge WHO-apparatus were sleepyheads and blockheads unable to calculate, needs much more additional assumptions, whereas their considerable dependence, in any case the massive suggestibility from the side of the Soros-Rockefeller-Gang, is not an assumption but can positively be seen from the publicly available budget data. The fact that this calculation is forbidden and ill-reputed doesn't mean that it cannot be done, in the same way as it was forbidden and ill-reputed to ask during the Middle Ages whether the known facts about reality really made the assumption of a cosmic supreme ape or super-human likely (a question that Emperor Frederic IInd actually posed, whereupon he only received very silly answers from the top scholars of his times, the still most tolerable one coming from a Jewish scholar; Christs and Muslims just answered menacing rubbish). Indeed, we are on the way to new Middle Ages again, in the last instance because of the decline of the productive powers due to exhaustion of resources and the promotion of overpopulation. This will even increase the consequences of the first, against which there is no cure on the technical field: only the tabooed birth control could help passably, if it would be promoted just with a tenth of the vigour as the alleged anti-Corona-measures, although they produce a thousand times more restrictions but in turn a thousand times less benefit, at least for 99,99% of mankind. Instead, the fussy “Coronaries” are an important transition stage towards theNew Middle Ages – even much, much more than the recent and globally synchronized Greta-bullshit that was pouring down on us as dense as hail.
We do not know how clearly Trump is aware of this context; but he scents it and tries to steer in the opposite direction, but in the end he cannot – for the press, firmly in his enemies' grip, can – eventually! – spoil his shaky re-election by screaming out every single Corona-victim. And so we Europeans, sold off by our Quisling’s governments to the US mega-capital, might soon be killed and irradiated in order to achieve the subjugation of the rest of Russia under the control of the latter, as a well-deserved punishment for our services to the aggressor...
In this situation it is foolish by Cuba and Venezuela to attack Trump because of his moderate attitude concerning the (alleged) anti-Corona-measures, just because this attack – which is closely linked to the totally justified demand for lifting the swinish trade embargos and stopping the military provocations against these weak states, i.e. this ugly stain on Trump’s otherwise so clean slate – appears to be propagandistically opportune at the moment, as the US mega-capital that wishes to bring Trump down silently approves of it.
On top of that, an embargo to e.g. Cuba on face masks (which have more propagandistic than medical value) or similar things is of much less damage than one on cytostatic drugs or comparable highly efficient medical supplies. This has already caused a great number of extremely dreadful and long-drawn ways of death. Furthermore, it has more cruel than military effects, analogously to the
bombing of civil Dresden. (However, a blockade of finally available anti-Corona-vaccines would be just as mean; in case they came from e.g. China a blockade would be quite plausible and then especially vile. But let’s wait and see, whether they wouldn't be blocked for us as well – presented with some sugarcoating in a similar way as they did it at least for years with the AIDS-Home-Tests, which make life so much easier.)
But opportunism, this close relative to lie, is a bad ally for weak people; Cuba and Venezuela as well as any supporters of their certainly just case will be ill advised to jump on a train – even in admittedly great hardship – that is steered secretly by the US mega-capital. We can only hope, that Trump will survive this attack, too. The US-American people, which already has begun to reject the newly enforced regime now, can be here as always his decisive support. Hopefully he will not fall into one of the numerous traps put up for him.
Fritz Erik Hoevels
(1) In these days (22nd April) a German institute announced that it was developing a vaccine that might be applicable “already this year”. Let’s wait and see... someone who very often lies, e.g. clearly concerning the vaccine against AIDS, shouldn't be trusted too much. This vaccine had been promised within the first two AIDS-years, however its development was and remains to be impossible (in contrast to one against Corona), as any even scarcely informed person knew very well at that time. But what’s really interesting about this story is the fact that we are only told about a German institute – Germany ahead, would be nice for Germans and other Europeans, but are Americans and Chinese such sleepyheads indeed?! About their progress in this field we hear decidedly less, up until now nothing at all... And Japan too disposes of quite a remarkable level of medical technology, as well as some of our direct neighbours – it is very well known that a French scientist developed the AIDS-ELISA and not a certain thievish American, although the latter was hard on the Frenchman’s heels already...
Freedom of speech means to say to a man what he does not want to hear. – Meinungsfreiheit bedeutet, jemandem etwas sagen zu können, was er nicht hören will. George Orwell