Alliance against Conformity
Alliance against Conformity
Birth Control – Reduction of Working Hours – Equality Worldwide


»Look how close they put their country to our military bases«

Ever since the US had accomplished the downfall of the Soviet Union (by driving the Soviet Union to completely exhaust its economic resources in the arms race) and then, consequently, the breakup of its defence alliance with the Eastern European states, the US government has been relentlessly, though contrary to its promises (but what do they care about what they promised yesterday?) pushing its own military bloc into Eastern Europe with the aim of destroying Russia, the last sovereign state on the globe apart from China, and of chopping it up into vassal states – in short, of completing the first unrestricted world domination in human history.

For this purpose only, NATO has gone through an excessive military buildup since 1990 instead of disappearing together with the Warsaw Pact, in order to form the largest war machine of all times, now consisting of 30 states, with a military budget about twenty times that of Russia: After pocketing the GDR, the »North Atlantic« Pact received the green light from the Biden-led US Senate in 1998 to incorporate Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, then in 2003 to swallow the three Baltic states on Russia’s northern flank, Romania and Bulgaria on its southern flank and Slovakia and Slovenia in the middle section. NATO’s declaration in Bucharest in 2008, enforced by Bush Jr., that it would also incorporate Ukraine and Georgia as member states was already the barely veiled ultimatum that Russia should hand over the Black Sea and tolerate US nuclear missiles and missile interceptors even in its historic heartland (»Little Russia«), which would mean capitulation – the final solution of the Russian question after 13 union republics with 137 million inhabitants had been broken out of the Soviet Union and 14 states had been integrated into NATO.

As the constitutionally elected Ukrainian president Yanukovych would not give up his country for this, his government was overthrown in 2014 by the Maidan coup of fascist death squads (paid for by Washington with billions of dollars) and replaced by a vassal government handpicked by the US State Department, which banned Russian (considered the mother tongue of 80% of Ukrainians) as an official language, whose henchmen kidnapped pro-Russia activists throughout the country, shot them or, as in Odessa, burned them alive, and which moved almost the entire army to the eastern part of the country, where it systematically bombarded the towns and villages of the Donbass with grenades and rockets for eight years. From this blood swamp with 10.000 dead by then, Putin rescued (by militarily guarding a clean referendum, which the Western Bloc had denounced loudly and incessantly as »annexation«) only Crimea with its Black Sea port founded by Catherine the Great, without which Russia cannot survive, and in addition demanded only protection and self-administration for the Donbass and above all the guarantee that NATO would not carry out its Bucharest threat, i.e. that it will not advance into Ukraine as well. It was to prove a fatal omission that Russia did not already intervene in the Maidan coup and support militarily the legitimate government of Yanukovych, that instead Putin let himself be put off for years by soap bubble-like »Minsk agreements«.

Putin’s demand for this guarantee was callously rejected by Washington as soon as Trump’s presidency as a true People’s Tribune had been liquidated by the 2020 electoral fraud, because for a peaceful solution the Soros-Rockefeller Gang had not organised the coup of the Kiev provocateur regime of Bandera-worshippers and Russia-haters and paid billions. Only then, and after 8 years of waiting and countless peace proposals, Putin finally made an attempt in February 2022 to militarily break through NATO’s tightening siege ring and end the permanent massacre in Donbass. This is, according to our synchronized press, the »brutal Russian war of aggression«, but in fact it is due to the immense and worldwide (up to Australian spy drones and military trainers) unleashed superiority of the US Bloc, Russia’s tragic death struggle.

For this war of attrition against Russia, the Europeans, that is us, are to suffer want, freeze and if necessary also get radioactively contaminated according to the ideas of the Soros-Rockefeller Gang, as we call the leaders of the »four hundred families« owning America’s monopolies. That is why German tanks are rolling against Russia again today, that is why the reception of “enemy channels”, now RT and Sputnik, is forbidden again today in all EU countries, that is why every Ukrainian in Germany has the same social entitlements as a German citizen (!) or better, including »citizen’s money«, free ICE rides and social housing, that is why we have to shiver and scrimp in our offices and flats while the debt of the German federal budget is getting (to quote the Federal Audit Office) »out of control«. And in thanks for all that, in order to ensure that there will be no turning back, the Biden administration has had its marine divers blow up Europe’s lifeline, the 23 billion (not million) Nordstream gas pipelines.

Below the level of nuclear weapons, the Third World War has long since begun, and once again Germany, this time under transatlantic command, is a party to the war: 60 years after Stalingrad, Russian conscripts are once again dying in the fire of German weapons, handled by soldiers trained in Germany.

We are disgusted, that is why:  Stalingrad – this time without us!
