We demand the immediate release of Gregorian Bivolaru and his followers !
According to our information, on 28 November 2023 the Rumanian Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru and several dozens of his adherents were assaulted by 175 (!) policemen on their properties near Paris and in Southern France and taken into custody. If one follows the French fake news, the alleged "victims" – just over twenty – were "freed" because they had allegedly been "abducted", "kidnapped" and, wait for it, "sexually abused". Believe it our not, there even was "psychological manipulation" – according to the fake news. The accused are said to be, once again according to the French fake press, leaders and adherents of a "Tantric sect" – this expression can be taken to mean nothing, and consequently everything. Along these lines, the charges reminiscent of the medieval witch-hunts are: fornication with the devil on the occasion of excessive orgies celebrated at the witches' gathering place. It should be underlined that none of the alleged "victims" could be pressurized into these abstruse accusations, none of the accused anyway.
We note that these scandalous events are a lousy remake of the persecution inflicted on Bivolaru's religious community in Rumania in 2004 (at that time regularly covered in our magazine KETZERBRIEFE, see Nos. 206, 200, 198, 181, 130, 128, in German language) see also our appeal of March 2017 on this site. All of the smutty charges brought forward at that time have turned out – often after years of proceedings – to be completely groundless. Also this time, the only violations of the law committed were those carried out by the State authorities, this time the French ones: abduction, blackmailing and deliberate false accusations. After the alleged "victims" had not proven to be "cooperative", they were thrown onto the street without their confiscated telephones and money. Well, the Nazis would have kept them in "preventive detention", just like now those falsely accused.
The declaration of the authentic human and civil rights in the wake of the French Revolution had at its core the granting of religious freedom, the religious tolerance in the sense of the great Voltaire. The immediate result was the Jewish Emancipation after centuries of persecution and humiliation; nor was it any longer allowed and exempt from punishment to cut off the ears of Huguenots and to burn them in public. Obviously, these conditions are to be reintroduced in the "Grande Nation" which more than one hundred years ago declared itself to be a secular state governed by the rule of law. The basic rights granted in the country's Constitution are not worth a cent if they do not apply to everyone. For this, the small religious communities – be it the Scientologists, the Sannyasins or those who exercise Yoga – are the touchstone.
We know that the European leaders bred in the cadre training programs of the Soros-Rockefeller Gang, like the French president, do not care a damn about the original human and civil rights. We have known Mr. Macron as the president of the rubber bullets and the stun grenades since the "Yellow vests" protest movement, as the president of the shot-out eyes and the ripped-off hands. Now, he evidently wants to grow into the Grand Inquisitor.
But we also know that not everybody shares this repulsive level of demonstrative contempt for the democratic rights and human dignity. It is to them we turn to with our following call:
Protest to the French justice minister and demand the unreserved observance of freedom of opinion and religion, as guaranteed by the French Constitution!
Stop with the persecution of alleged "sects", away with this medieval filth!
Immediate release of Gregorian Bivolaru and his followers!
Please address your protest letters to:
Ministre de la Justice
Mr. Éric Dupond-Moretti
13 Place Vendôme
F–75042 Paris Cedex 01
Please send a copy of your protestletter to us !